ISSBO 2024

Jul. 31 - Aug. 2  • Chongqing • China

Invited Speakers

  • 1. Liu Liu (Zhejiang University)

    Title: Electro-optical devices based on silicon and lithium niobate heterogeneous integration

    2. Siming Chen (HS Photonics)

    Title: Quantum dot laser on silicon – Recent progress and future prospects

    3. Ting Wang (Institute of Physics CAS)

    Title: TBA

    4. Yaocheng Shi (Zhejiang University)

    Title: TBA

    5. Xingchen Ji (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

    Title: Ultra Low-loss Silicon Nitride Photonic Integrated Circuits

    6. Weiwei Zhang (Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory)

    Title: Silicon optical modulators

    7. Jiagui Wu (Southwest University)

    Title: Optimal design of ultra-compact silicon-optics functional devices


  • 1. Jianji Dong (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

    Title: Reconfigurable photonic computing chip

    2. Liangjun Lu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

    Title: Parallel data transmission and dispersion compensation powered by soliton microcombs

    3. Min Tan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

    Title: TBA

    4. Xiao Li (Phovie)

    Title: Integrated Photonics for Healthcare

    5. Yong Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

    Title: Integrated Pockels electro-optic modulator on silicon photonics platform

    6. Xiaojun Xie (Southwest Jiaotong University)

    Title: High-speed thin-film lithium niobate optical coherent receiver

    7. Zhao Zhang (Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Title: Recent Research Progress On the ICs Design for Optical Interconnects


  • 1. Ruping Cao (Luceda)

    Title: Enable Large-Scale Photonic Integrated Circuit Design with Software Automation

    2.  Adam Lewis (CUMEC)

    Title: TBA

    3. Yan Cai (SITRI)

    Title: Silicon/Lithium Niobate Heterogeneous Integrated Electro-Optical Modulators

    4. Can Yao (Ligentec)

    Title: Low loss SiN photonic integrated circuit platform and its applications

    5. Zhiheng Quan (JFS Laboratory)

    Title: TBA

    6. Feng Qiu (Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study, UCAS)

    Title: Electro-optic Modulators Based on Organic Materials and Crystalline Thin Films

    7. Hongwei Zhang (National Center for Advanced Packaging Co., Ltd.)

    Title: Application of Advanced Packaging in Optoelectronic Integration